26 September, 2005
ResFest 2005

Well, I'm back. And I've decided to post another messsage, in the hopes that the copious number of individuals reading this blog can give me some feedback. I'm heading to ResFest 2005 in Chicago in a couple weeks, and I'm wondering if any of you have been to it yet (in other cities) and have recommendations as to which acts to see.
Currently I'm planning on checking out a couple of the shorts sessions, plus a feature or two. I don't have the funding to purchase a ResPass (nor really the time to make full use of it). I'm quite interested in Nando Costa's work, though... Love his use of gradients.
I don't anticipate getting any actual responses to my plea, since I think that a grand total of 0 people have even read my blog since I began posting oh so many days ago. Lemme know, mates...